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Simply Swim raises money for Sport Relief at local Swimathon

On Saturday, like many other swimming enthusiasts and do-gooders all over the country, we took part in our local Swimathon at Whistable Pool in Kent to raise money for Sport Relief. We had a great time on the day and it was good to see the pool so busy with people all doing their bit to get involved. Our team consisted of Gerrard, Tim, Julie, Jed and Anders who swam 1.5km between them on the day, motivated by some very kind donations on our JustGiving Page. We also held a sweepstakes at Simply Swim HQ as well as the usual tin shaking around the office to raise some more funds to put towards our grand total of £202.00 raised for Sport Relief. Did you get in the pool at the weekend for Sport Relief? If so, tell us where in the comments below.