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The Most Expensive Swimming Pools In The World

We all dream about having our own pool, just like Sparky from Christmas Vacation. But when it comes to costs most of us are looking at the mothballs in our wallets, however there are a lucky few out there that can make their swimming dreams come true no matter the cost. Here are example of some of those lucky few that were able to create the most expensive swimming pools in the world (but don't be too sad, they aren't all private so you might be in with a chance of swimming in them too!)...  


Hearst Castle

First on our list is Hearst Castle in California. This castle boasts two rather luxurious swimming pools. Firstly you have the Neptune Pool which was built between 1924 to 1936. This pool has been updated three times so far and with each modification the pool was made larger and larger. It now holds up to 345,000 gallons of water and is 104 feet long and 58 feet wide. The second pool is called the Roman Pool, which is located inside the castle. This pool was built between 1927 to 1934 and looks just like a roman bath. The mosaics that cover the pool from floor to celling are only an inch square so I feel sorry for who ever had the job tiling it! Both pools are surrounded by statues and art pieces to really create an atmosphere of luxury. But how much do you reckon it costs to maintain such a magnificent pool? If you guessed ten million dollars you would be about right!  

Lev Leviev

The next pool on our list is from a private residency, Lev Leviev’s pool in London. This pool is the most expensive pool ever built in London (at the time of writing). In fact it's even been voted one of the most luxurious pools in the world. The pool has an automatic roof which covers the swimming pool instantly all at the press of a button and is covered with beautiful mosaic tiles and gold. And not only do you have a luxurious pool, there's also a spa, steam room and a gym. The pool is to have cost over ten million dollars but the owners have never released the final figures, but one can assume it definitely wasn't cheap!  


Seagaia Ocean Dome

This dome pool is one of the world’s largest indoor waterparks in the world. Its 300 metres long and 100 metres wide, which at one point made it Guinness World Records' biggest pool in the world. The pool features a simulated flame spitting volcano, artificial sand and the world’s largest retractable roof. In 2015 Surfing Magazine claimed that the Seagaia was the 'World's Best Wave Pool'. Sadly the pool has been closed since 2007 due to refurbishment and with a pool that big you can understand why they are taking their time with it. But how much would you guess that it cost to build? 2 billion dollars. Yes that's billion dollars. And that’s the price before the refurbishment and re-brand so we dread to think how much it will cost once its finished!  


San Alfonso Del Mar

Up next is a Simply Swim favourite; the San Alfonso Del Mar in Chile. This is the second biggest swimming pool in the world. Its just over a km long and covers 20 acres of land. Just like the Seagaia it has been featured in the Guinness Book of Records. The pool is filled with over 250 million litres of water, which has been filtered from the Pacific Ocean and treated to give it that crisp blue colour. The filter alone cost 3.5 million dollars. This pool is so large that boats and kayaks even sail on it. It has a max depth of 35 metres so it wouldn't surprise me if those pesky divers will start to appear in it soon too! So what’s the price? A cheap and cheerful 2 billion dollars with a year maintenance cost of 4 million dollars. We would not want the job of cleaning that pool!  


City of Stars

The last pool on our list is the City of Stars in Sharm El Sheikh. This just beats the San Alfonso Del Mar as the biggest pool in the world and will open in 2017 as apart of the Fairmont hotel chain. The pool was actually built by the Crystal Lagoons company who also built the San Alfonso Del Mar. It has been filled with pure sea water and no added chlorine which makes its very environmentally friendly. And just like the San Alfonso you will be able to kayak and boat on the lagoon, and no doubt scuba dive. The pool has taken years to construct with no detail spared to ensure the highest level of luxury, and of course that comes with a high price tag. It has so far cost a whopping (drum roll please) 5.5 billion dollars!     Have you been to any of these incredible pools?