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The Simply Swim App!

Want to be able to shop Simply Swim on the go? Then maybe our brand new app is what you need! Whether you’re an iPhone user or an Android user, there is an app available for your tablet or smartphone. 150217NewAppSwim It’s the perfect way to shop for all your swimwear needs at just the click of a button wherever you are. You can find our full range of stock available on our website to browse and buy easily and quickly. You can also watch our product videos and view high resolution product images in the app, making sure you know exactly the product you’re buying without having to be redirected to external apps! There are also quick links to all of our social media channels and our blog so you can easily find your way to connect with us and hear about our latest updates and new products!

iPhone users can find us >here<.  Android users can find us >here<.

Let us know if you download the app, we’d love to hear about your experience with it, just leave us a comment below.
