It seems that the lure of the London Olympics 2012 is just too much to resist for a whole range of “former” swimmers. As the big event approaches, the number of swimmers that are coming out of retirement – or out of the woodwork?! – keeps on rising.
Recent news revealed that 40-year-old American Janet Evans has decided to return to competitive swimming after a decade-and-a-half away from the sport. The last Olympics that Evans, who now has a five-year-old daughter and a two-year-old son, will be remembered for was in 1996 Atlanta Olympics!
Other names that have been popping up include Ian Thorpe, Ed Moses, Anthony Ervin and Brendan Hansen. These are all swimmers that the public will recall from years gone by – but now they are back in the frame and making a bid to compete at the London Olympics.
Just now, the well-named Thorpedo is bidding to make the Australian Olympic team. Another three Australian former medal-winning swimmers will also compete in this week’s national trials, including Libby Trickett, Michael Klim and Geoff Huegil.
But Thorpe is realistic. Although he has won five gold Olympic medals previously, he knows that it is tough making the grade for an Olympics swimming team. He is reported as saying: "The most realistic outcome of this is that I will most likely fail… I wish I had another six months to do this.”
Meanwhile, for Evans there’s another three months until the American trials for Olympic placement. But she’s anxious, too. She is juggling family life with swimming training and finding it very hard going. Evans is reported as saying: "The only question I have is do I have enough time. I get better every week.. but do I have enough time?”
Needless to say, the public will be looking forward to some great swimming heats in the London Olympics 2012, whoever is finally chosen to compete.
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