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David Walliams Introduces SwimBritain

Video transcript... David: Hello. I'm David Walliams; I'm a swimmer who dabbles in comedy. I'm here to tell you about Swim Britain. Swim Britain is really about putting together a relay team. If you are over 8, you can take part. You can take part as a family. Keri-anne: It could be a work team. It could be just your friends. It could be the local pub team, or anything like that. Michael: Anyone can swim, no matter what your fitness or sporting background. Duncan: You'll work together, train together, have some fun. Ellie: The people who are more confident will motivate and encourage the people who are a bit less confident. David: We've got these events in September. It's swimming pools up and down the country, and we've got an open-water event in the great lake, at Blenheim Palace, which I'm taking part in. Steve: You've all got to swim 1,000 meters. You do 250 meters each, in a relay, until you've done the 1,000 meters. Swim Britain is going to help you get fitter and healthier, and they're even going to give you tips along the way.