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Front Crawl Tumble Turn - Swimming Advice Video

Front crawl, also known as freestyle, is the most efficient swimming stroke to use and the fastest swimming stroke in competitive racing. The basic touch turn is for beginners, but the flip turn is a much faster turn for those interested in increasing their speed through the water. Some people think that this turn can be complicated. However, by following these simple steps, you can start to introduce the tumble turn to your swimming training. Swim towards the wall until you're about one meter away, just past the T mark seen at the bottom of the swimming pool. Pull your leading arm into your body and tuck your chin to your chest. As your hand reaches your chest, begin to roll your body round. Place both feet onto the wall, facing the surface of the water at shoulder width apart and with your knees bent. Having your knees bent is essential to give you power when pushing off the wall. Push off the wall with your arms in a streamlined position, and use the butterfly leg kick for three large kicks to add more power, and then continue with the front crawl legs. You will naturally rise away from the bottom of the swimming pool, and when your head is close to breaking the surface of the water, make your first arm pull. So, to summarize, performing a tumble turn can make your swimming faster and more efficient. Don't slow down when swimming towards the wall, as you won't rotate your body fast enough, and you won't complete your tumble turn. When you have mastered your front crawl tumble turn, then you can move on to the backstroke tumble turn. So that's the front crawl tumble turn. Thanks for watching, and don't forget to check out our other advice videos and our online swim store at