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Simply Swim Interviews Sean Conway - Was it hard re-adjusting back to life after Swimming Britain?

Yes it's always interesting adjusting back into real life after an adventure, especially an adventure when you're out at sea for so long, there were four of us on a boat which was really small and you kind of form your own little community and it was brilliant y'know, my crew were incredible I couldn't have done it without the crew, they were the ones getting up early, getting me to my start point, getting me fed and warm and making sure I was keeping on target and keeping motivated you know, it was something that they just almost fell into doing, is becoming my motivational factor which they probably didn't sign up for but haha it was great and I couldn't have done it without them! So you go from living on this tiny little boat, with just four of you and you know each other backwards and its brilliant and then all of a sudden you come into the real world and there's all this variety and choice. The thing that happens every time to me, the thing that gets me is supermarkets, I go into a supermarket and I get a bit overwhelmed by the choice, I mean do we really need fifty types of cereal in life, I mean I was living on literally oats for five months and I survived, y'know it's obviously nice to have variety in life generally, but supermarkets are the one thing, I think I get panic attacks, there's too many people rushing around and too much choice like really, I much prefer just to have it simple, and just get told right if that's the only cereal you can eat just don't get stressed out by it right, Haha.