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Simply Swim Interviews Sean Conway - Was Swimming Britain life changing?

Has the swim been life changing? ....Umm that's a hard question, but yes it has definitely been life changing for me because after I cycled around the world and got run over and couldn't finish my goal of being the fastest person to cycle around the world, I got home and I was very depressed and a part of me still felt that I had something to prove to myself that I could do this big physical and mental achievement. So that's when I thought of the swim and it took me ages to try and plan it, I didn't have much information to go on, I was kinda making it up as I went along, before the swim I had to move back in with my parents and live at home and try save some money, so it has been life changing because I've finally proved to myself that if I put my mind to something, no matter how ridiculous it is, it is possible and if anything that's now given me confidence in other aspects of my life. If I just sort of think a bit differently and just apply myself, I can do everything. So it's been life changing for me personally. I'm in the whole whirlwind of the adventure world now, which is brilliant and I get to go talk at schools and inspire kids of the ages of when I think I lost my confidence, between the ages of ten and twenty I went from thinking I can do anything and then all of a sudden was like oh no I cant do that, which was wrong, anyone can do anything if they really want too, so yeah it's been great going out doing talks and writing the book and doing interviews and meeting people and sharing my story. I'm a firm believer that no matter how bonkers your idea is and no matter how many people tell you it's not possible, if you plan correctly and work hard at it - and you need a little bit of luck obviously, like I had with the weather this summer - anything is possible really.