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Simply Swim Blog - Just For Fun - Page 10

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The Evolution of a Swimsuit

With sales increasing year on year, swimwear and goggle guru Aqua Sphere is fast becoming a must-have brand amongst fitness swimmers for its high-c...
Best UK Indoor Water Parks

Best UK Indoor Water Parks

With the unpredictable British weather, what could be better than a fun day out at an indoor waterpark. Both adults and children alike love the exc...
The Right Swimwear For Your Holiday Destination

The Right Swimwear For Your Holiday Destination

It can be tempting to pack your favourite swimsuit and head off on holiday without researching if the costume is appropriate. That being said, some...

6 Interesting Swimming World Records

Swimming has inspired many world record attempts, other than those achieved in competitive swimming. Some are unusual, some are inspiring and some ...

5 Most Impressive Swim Challenges

There has been a huge growth in the number of extreme swimming challenges that people are prepared to attempt. Perhaps it is the idea of achieving ...

Simply Swim Interviews: Keri-Anne Payne

Earlier this week we were thrilled to be invited up to Blenheim Palace by British Gas Swimming to chat about their Swim Britain Event, which is d...

Tips for Beginner Swimmers By a Beginner Swimmer

Looking for an idiots guide to swimming and public pool etiquette?  It is time to get fit, and here is a good place to start. Don’t wear your holid...

Emma & Sarah's Great London Swim for Silas

If you're following us on Facebook or Twitter, you may have seen this friendly face pop up on Sunday. This is Emma, she works for us here at Simply...

Simply Swim's Favourite UK Swimming Pools

Since the nineteenth century going for a dip in the swimming pool has been a popular recreational activity for people in the UK.  During that centu...

5 Waterparks as you've never seen them before

Ever wondered what your favourite water parks look like from space? Us neither. Until we recently came across some beautiful Ariel Photography whic...

Introducing our team trainer for The London Triathlon

Recently we introduced our team who are going to be taking part in this years London Triathlon with the help and support of Simply Swim, so now it...

Simply Swim raises money for Sport Relief at local Swimathon

On Saturday, like many other swimming enthusiasts and do-gooders all over the country, we took part in our local Swimathon at Whistable Pool in Ken...