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Tips For A Perfect Front Crawl

Front crawl, also known as freestyle, is one of the most popular swimming strokes due to its speed and efficiency in the water. To truly excel at the front crawl, you must pay attention to the minute details of your technique, from your head to your toes. We will delve into the art of the perfect front crawl, breaking it down into essential components, including body position, arm movement, head placement, and leg kick. By mastering these aspects, you can enhance your swimming performance and glide smoothly through the water with minimal resistance.

1. Perfecting Your Body Position

The foundation of a flawless front crawl begins with maintaining the right body position. Your goal is to keep your body parallel to the water's surface, ensuring that it remains as flat as possible. This position minimises water resistance and allows you to move effortlessly through the water. To further streamline your body, encourage it to rotate lengthwise from side to side as you stroke. Your arms play a crucial role in facilitating this rotation, so it's essential to maintain a streamlined arm position. As you swim the front crawl, your arms should stretch forward, with your hands meeting at shoulder height and looking slightly forward, rather than downward.

For optimal body rotation and reduced resistance, practice breathing on alternate sides. Every three or five strokes, switch to the opposite side to encourage a smooth and coordinated rotation. This simple change can significantly improve your front crawl technique.

2. Perfecting Your Head Position

A common mistake among swimmers is positioning their head too low in the water, which results in increased resistance and slower strokes. If you watch elite swimmers, you'll notice how they effortlessly maintain a smooth head position, minimising water disturbance. As you execute the front crawl, focus on keeping your head in a neutral position, with your eyes looking slightly forward and downward. This ensures that your head doesn't create excess drag, allowing you to move swiftly through the water.

3. Perfecting Your Arm Movement

Your arms are a driving force behind the front crawl stroke, and mastering their movement is essential for efficient swimming. As you reach forward with your leading arm, extend it fully, with your fingertips entering the water first. This streamlined approach minimises resistance and allows for a seamless transition into the water. To further enhance your technique, keep your elbow slightly higher than your forearm during the pull phase. As you pull your arm through the water, maintain a close alignment with your body's centreline, maximising your streamline. At the end of the stroke, ensure your elbow is straight, and your hand exits the water as it passes your hip. This cycle of extension and retraction should be repeated with both arms alternately to maintain a balanced and coordinated front crawl.

4. Perfecting Your Leg Kick

Your leg kick is the final piece of the front crawl puzzle. To ensure optimal performance, your feet and ankles should remain loose and relaxed, allowing for a continuous and rhythmic leg kick. Kick your legs alternately from your hips, generating six kicks for every arm pull. This alternating motion helps to balance your body and maintain your momentum.

A common mistake made by some swimmers is kicking from the knees, which disrupts your streamline and hampers your progress. Instead, focus on initiating the kick from your hips, ensuring that your legs remain as straight as possible. This coordinated leg movement, in sync with your arm strokes, will propel you efficiently through the water, enhancing your front crawl performance.

Mastering the perfect front crawl requires careful attention to every aspect of your technique. From body position to head placement, arm movement, and leg kick, each component plays a vital role in minimising resistance and maximising efficiency. By incorporating these tips into your training and practice, you can elevate your front crawl to a level of grace and speed reminiscent of elite swimmers. Embrace these fundamentals, refine your technique, and watch as your front crawl becomes a thing of beauty in the water.

Please check out our Simply Swim YouTube channel @SimplyswimUK for more swimming advice.
