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Women's Guide To Putting On A Triathlon Wetsuit

  This is a quick video with Zone3 to talk you through how to put on your wetsuit in order to make sure you don't damage it and to ensure you get the best fit. Here we have the Vision. It's one of our mid-range wetsuits, so probably the standard type of wetsuit which you should be familiar with. Here is the front, and here is the back. We've got the zip on the back with a Velcro tab on the top and a downwards moving zipper. If we start with the zip on the back, facing towards you then fold the wetsuit so that it's halfway down on itself.   Next, simply throw your leg into it, pointing your toe, so the foot glides straight through the wetsuit, rather than getting stuck. Then repeat for your second leg. Using that technique, it almost instantly comes up to the right position, which is exactly what you want. As you move up the legs, make sure you're using the flats on your fingers rather than nails, as this can easily damage the soft materials which are used in wetsuits these days. Once you're into this position and sure that the wetsuit is nicely tucked up between your legs, and that there is no excess fabric, and then you're looking onto the arms. Coming from this position, arm in, pull your hand through and ensure that it's nice and high on the shoulder, and then repeat for the second arm.   Grab the top of the neck and give a gentle pull to ensure the neck is nice and high and that the wet suit fits nicely all the way up the body. Make sure the neck flap isn't tucked in, grab the zip strap and pull in the upwards direction, securing the zip at the top with Velcro tab. And that's it, the best way to put your wetsuit on, minimising any damage and ensuring the wetsuit is always tucked in nicely and well-fitted in all the right areas.   We hope this has helped you to put on your triathlon wetsuit that little bit more easily. Let us know in the comments if there is any other triathlon tips you would like us to tackle. For tips on putting on a wetsuit for men, check out this post.  