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Simply Swim Blog - Synchro

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Planning Your First Family Waterpark Trip

Planning Your First Family Waterpark Trip

  There are waterparks all across the UK – and beyond – and it’s not hard to see why. The rides, rapids, water attractions, cooling sprays and w...
5 Reasons To Try Aqua Fitness

5 Reasons To Try Aqua Fitness

There’s a new type of fitness in town, and it’s making waves across swimming pools in the UK. Aqua fitness, or water aerobics as you might know it,...
How To Get Into Synchronised Swimming

How To Get Into Synchronised Swimming

  Have you ever watched a synchronised swimming routine and wondered how they do it? Perhaps you want to try it out for yourself but don’t know wh...

8 Of The Best Swimming Dives Of All Time

Diving is an incredible sport; years of hard preparation, conditioning and rigorous training come together to result in a climatic display of brave...
Mastering Your Swimming Dive

Mastering Your Swimming Dive

To master a racing dive takes practice. The most common dive in competitive swimming is the grab start. This provides you with a quick and smooth s...

Diving Terminology

    Sometimes it’s really difficult to keep up with all the terminology in diving. We are here to help with our translator! Synchronised dive – ...

Water Polo Lingo

There are so many words that are specific to each water sport, it just gets too confusing. Here you can find all the definitions you need to get ...

Learning to Dive

Video Transcript…. Diving can be a daunting experience for those who are diving into the swimming pool for the first time - even for confident s...

Swimming Sports

So we all love swimming right? We love getting into the water and participating in a water sport. But what other options are there for you than jus...